Center of Training


Thoughts on mental health, wellness, and living a positive life.

Nurture your happy side.

Jul 31, 2023

Happy thoughts lead to happy feelings.  Why, then, would we choose anything other than happy thinking?  You can probably picture someone you know who always seems to be positive, who is not easily ruffled by stress or upset by life's daily events.  While you might think some people are just naturally positive, you can actually lead yourself to being this same way. 

We also can all think of that person who is always negative, who we can count on to point out the down side of things, or show us why something won't work. I personally avoid these people, and hope to never become one.  My sister has a friend who, every time I see or talk to her, leaves me feeling in a good mood and with a better outlook on life than before we spoke. She has the unique ability to ask whoever she's speaking to about things in their own life, always focusing on the good, the happy, the positive; and always turning any negative around so that it doesn't seem so bad. She is one of those perpetually happy people, but not in an annoying, fake and perky way -- she has a genuineness and magnetic draw to her because of her positive spirit.  In turn, she not only makes her own life a happy one, but adds to the happiness of others.

It is scientifically proven that thinking positive thoughts trains our brain to naturally think more positively.  Likewise, thinking negative thoughts will train our brains to be negative.  This means we have a choice in whether we see life in a positive or negative way -- leading our feelings to be positive or negative. Which will you choose?  I personally love the feeling of being happy.  There is a peace, a security, and an uplifting element of hope that comes from being able to see the positive side of things and to feel good about life overall. 

In 2015, you may have had things happen that you have felt unhappy about. How can you re-frame those events and see the positive side of them? And why would you choose to do otherwise?  If you can look at the events in your life, as they happen to you or afterward, and see the good in each situation, drawing out a reason to be happy or grateful, your outlook on everything will improve.

Even if all you can do is see the relief or freedom from something that was negative, that's a positive - be thankful for it. Look at everything in a new light, pulling out the pieces and parts that benefit you or someone else, and focus on that with gratitude and hope.  I've been in situations where negative perpetuated more negative, and I can look back and see how one person's thinking can affect theirs and others' feelings.  All that negativity affects everyone involved, and results in only more negative. At some point you have to either change your thinking, or remove yourself from the situation/person, if you want anything to be different.  Trust this -- being in a happy situation, thinking happy thoughts, and feeling happy feelings, beats all that negativity any day.  Once you know what happy really feels like you'll never want to go back.

My advice for 2016 and forever -- choose to think happy thoughts, nurture your own happiness, and choose to be a positive influence in someone else's life who may need to draw on your happiness.  Be around positive people who leave you feeling better and be that person to others. Why would you want anything else for your life?