Mental Health Moment | Walk Away
Nov 28, 2021
Walk away. You're right in the middle of it, and it's wearing you down, and it's taking your peace, and it's starting to take a toll on your life, your physical state, your mental well-being, and your emotions. It's okay to walk away, and really it's necessary. Everyone has a different point at which they need to take that break, but when it's time, or before it's time, take it. Just step back, do something else, gather yourself, calm your heart, and breathe. Stress is an extended period of anxiety, and it's really bad for you, so... give yourself a break, walk away, and do something that's good for you. When your heart rate has slowed, and your muscles are relaxed, and you're breathing nice, slow, even breaths... then go back to what you have to do. Take care of yourself along the way, and you'll be stronger, for longer, and be better equipped to do what you need to.