Center of Training


Thoughts on mental health, wellness, and living a positive life.

Mental Health Moment | Post-Trauma Responses

Feb 20, 2022

If a difficult event really challenges you, and affects your mood and your thinking, knowing why it’s having those effects can help you a lot. We all have struggles, some of us have trauma, and each & every one of us handles stress & anxiety differently. There are a ton of resources available to get you through things, and you just need to know what they are and where to find them. You can make a call for help… absolutely do that when you need to. And then for long-term sustainability, and to be able to understand better & help others, a good resource is KNOWLEDGE. Learn about trauma. Learn about post-trauma responses. Learn about anxiety and how stress affects you. Learn about burnout. The more you know...the better you can handle things when you see them in yourself & others.