Mental Health Moment | Poison
Dec 19, 2021
You wouldn’t pick up a bottle labeled “Poison” and start drinking it, because you know it would be really bad for you. But so many of the things we do, from day to day, are bad for us, and yet we keep doing them. What label would someone have to put on those activities in order for you to think they were bad enough to avoid entirely? What’s the boundary, or the line you wouldn’t cross? Sometimes bad things creep into our lives so gradually that we don’t know we’ve now adapted to drinking poison. But that doesn’t change the fact that it’s still poison, still bad for us. If you stop and look at the things you allow in your life right now, can you see where poison has creeped in? If you were starting over, would you allow these things in your life? Take a good look at the poisons you may be allowing in your life, knowing they’re having a negative effect on you, and get rid of them. Bring healthy things in to take their place.