Center of Training


Thoughts on mental health, wellness, and living a positive life.

Mental Health Moment | Life Lessons

Oct 03, 2021

What has life done to you? We all have our stories, our hurts and our joys. We have history and memories, and we have experiences. But what has life really done to you? Do you let it make you bitter and cynical, or do you stay optimistic and hopeful? Do you use your pain to help others, or do you let it make you angry? It's probably taught you lessons, and given you wisdom. It may have weakened you in some places, and strengthened you in others. Some things can be undone, at least partly, but some things will stick with us forever. Whatever has happened, make all the efforts to get meaning from your life; let it make you better.. kinder.. smarter.. or whatever you would hope for. Make it.. so that, in the end, you're proud of what life has done to you.