Mental Health Moment | Grief
Dec 12, 2021
Grief. You can miss someone, a person, but you can also miss a situation. You can miss a time long gone. You can miss a place you used to go. But what we mostly miss, which is grief, is a feeling... a feeling someone or something made us feel. Grief is really hard.. it's a process of letting go, while remembering, still caring while protecting and trying to heal. It's denial, and anger, bargaining, depression, and some level of acceptance. And the thing is... it creeps up on you and knocks you down when you're least expecting it. There's no one way to grieve, no standard time frame, and no right or wrong way to do it. You've got to let it happen.. and go through it, to get to the other side of it. Be patient. Feel it. And wait it out... it does get better.