Center of Training


Thoughts on mental health, wellness, and living a positive life.

Mental Health Moment | Counter-Balance

Apr 24, 2022

Having balance should not be the goal. Do you really want equal parts positivity & negativity in your life? COUNTER-balance is a much healthier way to live, with far more positivity than negativity. If you are taking in a lot of negative, whether it be from reading things on social media that fuel your negative emotions, or in experiencing difficult things in life, you need to try to counter-balance that by saturating yourself with positive. Spend your time with people who encourage you and uplift you. Spend time on hobbies and activities you enjoy, that improve your overall well-being. Positive activities release positive brain chemicals, helping you feel better; a brisk walk does the same. Read positive, uplifting, happy affirmations and messages as often as you can. Listen to music that relaxes & calms you, or uplifts you. Set goals in your life that give you something to look forward to, and which provide purpose for your life. Smother the negative with positive. Erase the conflict with peace. Counter-balance the negative with as much positive as you possibly can.