$395.00 USD

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Certified Wellness Programs Specialist


IMPORTANT NOTES for enrollment. Please read all of the following prior to enrolling. Checking the box in the enrollment form indicates that you have read, and agree to, these terms:

  1. Because of the immediate-access and online nature of this program, there are no refunds provided. If less than 5% of the training has been completed, the enrollment license may be transferred to another participant of your choosing.
  2. The training course is 40 hours of online content, including videos, audio, quizzes, self-assessments, and online assignments.  The content is available for a total of 120 days, allowing time to watch, study, rewatch, refresh, and make notes. When enrolling please provide your best mailing address -- A workbook is provided and will be mailed to you, for the purpose of note-taking, exam prep, and long-term reference of the material. Participants are required to complete 100% of the training course material before gaining access to enrolling in the exam.
  3. Once the exam is passed, with a 90% score or better, the certification is awarded to the participant, and belongs to the individual rather than the organization. It belongs to the individual, no matter where the individual is employed. Please use an email address, to enroll, that you are certain you will have continued access to, and enroll using the name you will want to appear on your training records, certificates, etc. The email address you use for enrollment will be the username as well as where we will send program-relevant information. Please do not "unsubscribe" or you will not receive program timeline information and/or certificates or other important materials.
  4. We do offer group enrollment packages for groups of 5 or more, and can send an invoice to simplify the enrollment process and include the discount. (5-10 participants = 15% discount, 11-25 participants = 20% discount)
  5. If the participant chooses to take the certification exam, and earns the designation of CWPS, there will be required annual renewals and 2 CE (continuing education) classes required to maintain the certification.
  6. If you would like 2 split the payment into 2 payments (1 now and one a month from now) you may do so by clicking on THIS LINK. Please note that you may not take the exam until both payments have been made.

If you have any questions, please ask them prior to enrollment - your 120 days of access begins when you enroll. Email us at [email protected] and we'll be happy to assist you.


About this training program:


Course Description:

This is a 40-hour training program which teaches the foundations of mental health for an understanding of typical employee wellness challenges, as well as ways to support them in those. Topics include anxiety, stress, burnout, depression, trauma, mental disorders & illnesses, and crisis/suicide intervention, as well as others. 
The program also teaches the many ways a work environment or culture can add stressors to an employee, and the effects of those.
The Certified Wellness Programs Specialist certification, through this training course, is designed for the participant to learn how to start, develop and build a wellness program for the organization. This will include templates and processes, as well as a detailed guide to help facilitate the program from start to finish. 
The certification exam is based on this training course, and we require participants to complete 100% of the online sessions prior to being allowed to attempt the exam.

Goals and Objectives:

1. The participant will gain an understanding of mental health foundations and be able to identify signs of common struggles and challenges of employees;

2. The participant will be able to assess and identify wellness program needs within his/her own organization;

3. The participant will be able to use the results of the needs assessment to build and implement a full wellness program;

4. The participant will gain an understanding of, and be able to identify, the expectations of wellness leaders within an organization.



About the Primary Instructor:


• Founder/CEO - Center of Training, LLC

• Author - Itty Bitty Isabella children's book series

• Master’s of Science in Counseling (LPC track)

, Bachelor’s of Science in Behavioral Sciences

• Founder - Academy Hour, LLC - CEO for 5+ years / Creator: Certified First Responder Counselor / Certified Peer Support Leader/Teammate / Academy Hour Certified Instructor programs

• Former Training Officer for Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation

• Mental Health Instructor - Justice Clearinghouse

• Survivors of Blue Suicide (C.O.P.S. Org.) Wellness Support Staff Member

• Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Individual Interventionist

 PoliceOne.com /Lexipol contributing author

 Author of therapy resource workbooks & training curriculum

• Certified trainer: ASIST-Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training

• Certified trainer: QPR-Question Persuade Refer

• CPI Non-Violent Physical Crisis Intervention Trainer

• Mensa USA & Mensa Oklahoma member achievement (Top 2% of I.Q. in US/Oklahoma)


• PSPS - Proactive Suicide Prevention Sequence©

• TSET - Trauma &. Significant Events Timeline©


